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Technologies based on the achievements of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, that is, sciences that study how the genome works and how the information encoded in it is implemented, are called "Omix". How it is transformed into the structure of proteins and, later, into some signs of the body that may be important for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In other words, comic book technologies are one of the main tools of genomic and postgenomic medicine.

So far, both in the world and in our country, such work is carried out at the level of scientific research and search. It is assumed that postgenomic medicine will improve the quality of diagnosis and prediction of the course of the disease. The doctor will form an individual set of medicines based on the patient's "genetic passport".

But so far this is a completely new direction in medicine, it is only a few years old, and today the methods of genomic and postgenomic medicine are not included in the standard protocols of diagnosis and treatment, of course.